

Russian in 30 minutes


Dr. Zaitsev is ready to change the world's education system

If someone told you that after studying a FOREIGN language for 30 minutes, you'd begin to read it well, you, most likely, woul

If someone told you that after studying a FOREIGN language for 30 minutes, you'd begin to read it well, you, most likely, would have serious DOUBTS. Your disbelief, however, would turn out to be unfounded. No TRICKS!


Famous Russian philologist from St. Petersburg, Dr. Nikolai Zaitsev, conducted many demonstrations at American Universities in Texas, Oregon, Missouri, and Kansas to show his ability to teach Russian in less then 30 minutes. Dr. Zaitsev is the author of more than 30 textbooks. After graduating from Leningrad Pedagogical Institute with a degree in philology, he worked as a teacher in an orphanage, in a correctional facility for adolescent criminals, in schools for mentally retarded children, and taught Russian and English in public schools and Universities.

“I dislike traditional methods of teaching, probably, because of my own school experience,” Dr. Zaitsev said. “That’s why I have been working on  my system.”

Now Nikolai Zaitsev has thousands of students and followers across Russia and around the world. Education officials are surprised by his “extraordinary” results. Zaitsev’s accomplishment is that people in Russia are no longer surprised to see 2-3-4-year-old children read. Julia Andreyeva, daughter of Zaitsev’s assistant, started to read through the new system by the age of two and half years. She began school when she was seven, at a fifth grade level. She graduated from high school when she was 13 year old. Now she is a senior at the English department of St. Petersburg University. She is a typical “Zaitsev child”.




The past five decades have witnessed a giant leap in the development of science, technology, economics, and politics. Education systems that formed nearly two and a half centuries ago, however, remained unchanged. In October 1967, in Williamsburg, VA, an international conference was dedicated to the issue of the education crisis around the world.

In the 1980’s and 1990’s the matter started to bother not only the specialists, but also politicians. On the opening day of the 91-92 school year, President George Bush spoke at one of the educational institutions in Lewistown, ME, - “American schools face hard times; each day brings new evidence of their crisis.”

It is simply unrealistic to overcome the education crisis. It is necessary to alter the whole pedagogical process. Fortunately, already today, there exists an education system that answers the society’s desire to  shape literate and clear-thinking individuals. The author of this system is Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev. Thanks to uniquely-designed published training materials for reading, writing, mathematics, Russian language, and English language, the system is accessible not only to education specialists; it can be freely used by parents, and even 5-6-grade students who’d like to teach their younger siblings.


Ever since the first edition of “Zaitsev’s Cubes” (learn-to-read guide) in 1989, the number of literate under-school-age children has been rising in Russia. In many Russian regions, as well as in other countries (US included), Zaitsev’s methods of education are utilized by individual teachers and faculty groups with unwavering success and stellar results. Several kindergartens had to reorganize their programs to accommodate Zaitsev’s children, who surpassed ordinary kids.

With the involvement of interested specialists, an all-subject curriculum can be created under Zaitsev’s system. Zaitsev himself is able to lead the development of an educational program for studying any language (there is a vast experience in applying the methods to English, Kazakh, Tatar, Ukranian, and Byelo-russian). In all, it would be possible to create a unified international teaching base.

The ideas of American doctor Glen Doman concerning a correlation between physical and intellectual developments come to life under Zaitsev’s system. Children, who use Zaitsev’s approach, are not only academically acute; they remain healthy. The studying process is done in a form of a game: everything is effortless and unforced. There is no choking authority and boredom that accompany the traditional process of education.


Specific points of new teaching technologies include:


Effectiveness. 3-4-year-old children begin to read after several half-hour sessions. In a period of five months, first graders cover the same material as they would in 5 grade levels of ordinary education. Adult foreigners, who never studied Russian language before, are able to use cubes to create simple words and to read them after one 30-minute study period. Russians, who do not know English, learn pronunciations and spellings of 2000 most frequently used English words by the end of their first Zaitsev class.


Health benefits. According to scientific opinions, Zaitsev’s systems are ideal in their healthcare perspective. In kindergartens that switched to new study methods, disease rate dropped 3-5 times. Many places use Zaitsev’s manuals to rehabilitate mentally ill kids.


Thrift. Zaitsev’s education materials consist of a series of manuals that cover various subjects. Each set of materials may be used equally well by a large group of students or by a single individual. Zaitsev’s materials would cost considerably less than usual teaching textbooks that cover topics in a fragmented way.


Possible collaboration with US partners can occur along the following lines:


1. Participation in publishing additional copies of already-existing educational materials; creating new computer-based learning programs, electronic games, etc.

2. Participation in developing education programs for learning to read and write in any language.

3. Creating new programs on basis of Zaitsev’s education approach and copying them.


Collaboration with education structures:


1. Distribution of Zaitsev’s education materials by organizing lectures, courses, or seminars.

2. Training perspective employees and creating specialized centers that operate on Zaitsev’s basis.

3. Teaching instructors and entire faculties; supplying them with materials.   



N. Zaitsev Educational Methodology


Tel.: +7 - 812-247-7013

e-mail: elen@peterlink.ru

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